Sunday, February 21, 2010

Drinking coffee a crime in saudi arabia ?

An American woman who was arrested and strip-searched by religious police in saudi arabia for drinking coffee at starbucks with a male colleague says she is determined to stay in the strict islamic kingdom to challenge its rules.

Yara, 37, went to the starbucks on monday with her business associate to get some work done and use the internet after a power failure shut down her office. While the two were sitting in the curtained-off family section of the starbucks, the country's bearded religious police entered and arrested her of being with a man other than her husband.

In saudi arabia, where social rules are based on fundamentalist interpretation of islamic text, interaction between men and weman is severely restricted. Additionally, the country does not have a unified legal system. instead, judes and local authorities rely on their individual interpretations of the koran.

Do u think we have an issue here ? and she deserve that or not ?

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